Dalma Krajnyák


„Her contralto is unusual, interesting and charming. A little even mystical. I have never heard such a voice before. (…) Dalma’s charm on stage is distinguished by her modesty and subtlety, consisted of her small movements, her reactions to her surroundings, her voice and the nuances of her control.”

(Daiva Šabasevičienė, Review of  the production of Vivaldi Juditha Triumphans.  Juditha – Dalma Krajnyák. January 2023, Lithuania)

Classical singer, soloist


Dalma Krajnyak Hungarian mezzo soprano, considers herself a baroque singer first of all, but she is also devoted to the late romantic song- and concert repertoire as an alto soloist.

She accomplished her BA studies in Classical Singing in Hungary, while she already decided to improve her skills abroad as well: Dalma studied one semester at the Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello in Venice by the Erasmus programme. She received her PGAD degree as a scholar at the Trinity Conservatoire in London, and after finishing her postgradual studies there, Dalma moved to Italy to hone her skills. She attended the Accademia Lirica di Osimo, under the supervision of the Artistic director M. Vincenzo de Vivo.

During her studies Dalma also took part as a scholar in prestigious non-baroque  YA Emerging Programmes, like the Accademia Rossiniana with M° Alberto Zedda in Canada, where she sang the role of Tancredi and Isaura;  or L’Olimpiade by Myslivicek, a co-project of Scuola dell’ Opera Italiana and Teatro Communale di Bologna.

In order to widen her knowledge in the particular field of baroque vocal repertoire, she attended various masterclasses held by Romina Basso, Vivica Genaux and Sara Mingardo.

Dalma performed on several concerts in North-central Italy: alto solo of Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater in Pesaro, alto solo of Bach’s Matthias Passion in the Dome of Modena, the Sorceress In Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas in Bologna, the title role of the oratorio ’San Contardo dell’Este’ at the Modena Organ Festival and the role of Melanto in Monteverdi’s ’Il ritorno di Ulisse in patria’, a staged production of the Festival ’Corti, chiese e cortili’ in Bologna. 

Besides her career in Italy, Dalma gained professional experience in various concerts in England, she sang alto solo in Handel’s Messiah at the National Auditorium in Madrid under the direction of Jonathan Cohen, she worked as a soloist with the Savaria Baroque in Hungary and also sang the alto solo of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio with the Göttingen Barock in Germany.


In 2015, Dalma was the winner of the IX. Baroque Singing Competition ’Fatima Terzo’ in Vicenza, therethrough she performed the role of Tebro in Handel’s Olinto pastore by the side of Lia Serafini and I Musicali Affetti in Vicenza and at the Early Music Festival ’Grandezze e Meraviglie’ in Modena.
In the beginning of 2017, she was the winner/scholar of the Cini Foundation in Venezia and sang Spanish baroque music  – works by Nebra and Durante – under the supervision of Eduardo Lopez Banzo.


In october 2017, Dalma was the winner of the International Baroque Competition ’Principe Francesco Maria Ruspoli’ in Italy, therefore she recently had the chance to give solo recitals at the Ruspoli Castle in Vignanello,  Rome, in the Vatican, and in Copenhagen at the International Day of Early Music.

She also made a turnee in South-America in the summer of 2018, performing in Cuba, Peru, and Sao Paulo, Brasil, where she gave a concert alongside with the musicians of Jordi Savall, under the direction of Manfredo Kraemer.


Her other important engagements in 2018 included the role of Andromaca in the opera ’Enea in Caonia’ by J. A. Hasse at the Villa Torlonia in Rome, as  a YAP with the direction a Vivica Genaux.
Then, in september 2018 Dalma had a debut in the role of Melanto at the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza in the opera ’Il ritorno d’Ulisse in Patria’ by Monteverdi alongside with such a prestigius names like Furio Zanasi and Marina de Liso.


In 2019, Dalma’s most significant engagement has been her debut on the opening gala at the famous baroque festival ’Misteria Paschalia’ in Krakowia  where she sang the part of the Evangelist in the Passion of San Giovanni by Veneziano, with the Capella Naepolitana, under the direction of Antonio Florio.




2020.10.24 - 2021.06.07

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La Resurrezione


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